Mariel Lombard: Compassion Fatigue & Sharing The Emotional Load | Episode 105

"Early signs of compassion fatigue include exhaustion, trouble separating personal and professional life, sleep disturbances, and reduced empathy." Mariel Lombard

Dive into the heart of educators' resilience as Mariel Lombard shares the unspoken struggles we face daily. In this heart-felt episode, educator and researcher Mariel Lombard, PhD candidate at Western Sydney University joins Meg Durham to share a profoundly personal journey that every educator can relate to.

With unwavering honesty, Lombard reveals her own battles with compassion fatigue and PTSD, drawing a raw and authentic connection between her experiences and the widespread challenges faced by educators. Lombard's research, illuminating a glaring gap in our understanding, underscores the urgent need for change within the education sector.

Through Lombard's words, we glimpse the power of community, self-care, and dialogue in healing, making this episode an indispensable resource for you as you seek to nurture a healthier, more compassionate educational environment.

Press play to join the conversation that could reshape the way we care for those of us who dedicate our lives to shaping the future.

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