Dr Rebecca Ray: Difficult People & Managing Bad Behaviour | BEST OF 2023


"Difficult people tend to violate your psychological safety and project their dysregulation onto you." Dr Rebecca Ray

Imagine how different your life would be if you learned how to manage difficult people even better!

Join host Meg Durham and best-selling author Dr Rebecca Ray for this insightful conversation about Rebecca's latest book "Difficult People: Dealing with the bad behaviour of difficult people" which addresses the nuances of dealing with individuals who don't respect boundaries.

In this conversation, you’ll learn why understanding attachment styles can shed light on the origins of difficult behaviour, making it easier to navigate these challenging relationships. Learn valuable techniques to regulate your emotions, set boundaries, and surround yourself with others who bring out the best in you.

Don't miss this conversation that will give you the tools to navigate complex interpersonal dynamics and maintain your inner peace.

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